JTA Bid/Pre-Bid Opportunities 
Keep up with all of JTA's open and active bid/pre-bid proposal opportunities! Current RFPs: - Carpet Cleaning Services
- Mirrors (Inventory Parts)
- Glass Products
- Brokerage Services
- Batteries & Components (Inventory Parts)
Get your Business Spotlighted! We also advertise your business on our website for the month!  We love to spotlight our members! And, as an FCHCC corporate member, this is an excellent opportunity to let all our readers learn and know more about you and your company. Requirements: articles must be no more than 300 words, images need to be .jpg, or .png, and you must be an active chamber member. Submit your article and photo by clicking here.
Contact Kim McDougal with any questions. |

To positively impact the regional economy by creating value, promoting and facilitating the success of Hispanic-owned businesses and by engaging the community at large.
If you want to keep up with the FCHCC, sign up to receive our monthly eNewsletter below!

| |  | President's Message - Maribel Hernandez  Hola FCHCC Members and Supporters: 2015 is off to a great start! The Board has been very busy aligning on our strategies for this year and working within their committees to develop plans to execute on those. At a recent Strategic Board Meeting, alignment was gained on the strategic objectives which consist of three areas of focus: growing membership, diversifying revenue sources, and supporting the Community Development Fund. Click here to view our guiding principles and strategic imperatives. The first objective, membership growth, will focus on recruiting new members and retaining existing members by delivering added value. The committees are hard at work and we look forward to rolling out new programs and benefits for our members. The second objective will focus on the diversification of revenue in order to create financial sustainability and secure the future of the chamber. Finally, we will support the Community Development Fund through the Achieving the Dream Scholarship Program and re-establishing an internship program for the benefit of our member organizations and the rising talent within our community.
Stay tuned and if you have not joined or renewed your membership, now is the time to come on board! Warmest regards, Maribel Hernandez Maribel Hernandez, MBA, CTM, CL FCHCC President/CEO |  | Welcome New and Renewing Members
The FCHCC is proud to announce our new and renewing members: Trustees/Large Corporation Members:
AT&T Services, Inc., Florida Florida Blue Jacksonville Port Authority (JAXPORT) Jacksonville Electric Authority (JEA)
Small Business Members: Eco Latino Media Group New York Life Insurance Company Psychotherapy Bilingual Solutions, LLC Rebecca Black - Immigration Law Rebecca Laracuente-Perez CPA PA Village Pediatric of Saint Augustine
Non-profit Organization Members: Jacksonville Public Education Fund The H.I.L.L. of Northeast Florida Northeast Florida AIDS Network (NFAN) VyStar Credit Union
Individual Members: Nelson Estepa Heidi L. Hanson Arthur Hernandez Milagros (Millie) Kanyar Donna Padgug Lionel Perez Franklin Rios, DMD Angela Rossy Carmen Suarez
We could not achieve our mission without our members so, thank you very much for your partnership. To become a member, please visit our website for more information! |
Calendar of Events  |
 | Committee Happenings
Membership Committee: Dear FCHCC Members and Friends: The First Coast Hispanic Chamber of Commerce (FCHCC) expresses its most sincere gratitude to all the Hispanic Chamber members and followers, both active and previous for your support over the years. We could not have achieved our mission and remain a voice for the Hispanic business community during more than 23 years without your partnership. There are a lot of new and exciting things happening as we move forward and transition the Hispanic Chamber to provide more value to our members. One important development is my appointment as Chair of the Membership Committee. Nelson Estepa, Former Chair, has agreed to remain an active member of the committee to ensure continuity and as a mentor as I engage in my new role. To learn more, please visit our website at www.fchcc.com. FCHCC submitted all 2015 Membership Renewal invoices electronically during the end of 2014. If you are an active FCHCC member, and have not received your invoice, I encourage you to contact me or Alice Y. Gonzalez. If you are not an active member, I would love for you to accept this invitation to become a member. You can join or renew online by visiting our website at www.fchcc.com and click on the "Join" or "Renew your Membership" tabs. Membership fees cover a one year period beginning on January 1st and ending on December 31st of each year. I definitely look forward to hearing from you to join hands with me in common purpose on behalf of the Hispanic Business Community of the Northeast Florida. Very Respectfully, |
 |  Keep Up with Florida Blue Events at these locations below! |
 | Member Spotlight: Andrea Reyes: FCHCC Chair, Education and Training Committee  | pictured top l to r: Roberto Sanchez, Rafael Caldera, Jose and Jessica Cuetos, Alice Gonzalez, and Annie Grogan. Pictured bottom l to r: Margaret Veras, Nelson Estepa, and Andrea Reyes |
Coming from a very humble Hispanic family, I was fortunate to have the education and support system that enabled me to fulfill an almost decade-old goal: Hanging my Own Shingle. On January 14, 2015, I hosted an Open House Celebration to commemorate the official beginning of my exciting career in Immigration Law and to simultaneously give thanks to the many individuals who helped me get here. I am eternally grateful for the abundance of love and support I have received over the years from my family and friends. I am also thankful to the First Coast Hispanic Chamber of Commerce. As I started building my practice in 2014, I joined the Chamber in order to get better acquainted with other business owners (Hispanics and not-Hispanics the same) and the Jacksonville community at large. I immediately discovered the inherent benefit to my Chamber membership due to the numerous opportunities and exposure it provided me. Now, as the Chair of the Education and Training Committee, I am involved in the operations of the Chamber and am in constant communications with community leaders, business owners and advocates about programs, networking and collaborations with and for the Chamber. I am excited for the programs the Chamber will be providing this year and look forward to working with the Chamber Board to continue providing value for our members by building successful partnerships in the Northeast Florida that promote and facilitate business growth. If you have any specific ideas about programs you would like to see from the Chamber, please feel free to contact me. |
| Submit your Available Job Listings to Appear on FCHCC's Website  Is your company hiring? If you're an active corporate member, you can send your available job postings to us from our website! Click here! Current Job Opportunities Bi-lingual (Spanish) Banking Professionals Employer: BB&T Bank Check out the Florida Blue Jobs Portal for all their latest job postings! Employer: Florida Blue To view all the above positions and to apply, please visit our website by clicking here. |
Become an FCHCC Trustee
The FCHCC recognizes the leadership and support of these leading organizations, which are also our trustees.
Joining FCHCC as a New Member? Or, are you renewing your Membership?
We have several payment methods for your convenience. If you would like to mail in a check or money order, please mail your payment to:
First Coast Hispanic Chamber of Commerce P.O. Box 57972 Jacksonville FL 32241 FCHCC also Accepts Credit Card Payments for New Memberships and Renewals You can join the FCHCC or renew your membership with any of these credit cards. To use this method, click any of the links below: To join the FCHCC with your credit card, click here. If you're renewing your membership with your credit card, click here! |
"CONEXIÓN": Monthly eNewsletter publishes the first week of every month Editors: FCHCC Board of Directors Designer: Kim McDougal, Interactive Communications |
The First Coast Hispanic Chamber of Commerce (FCHCC) strives to establish and encourage better business practices among Hispanic-owned and operated businesses in northeast Florida and south Georgia. All business professionals, both Hispanic and non-Hispanic, are welcome to become involved with our Chamber. The FCHCC also strives to foster understanding of Hispanic heritage through educational endeavors, business opportunities and social interaction. | | |